Here i want to tell you something important. Something like frequently asked questions, because i've got a lot of your emails on my mailbox and sometimes it is heavy to answer to all of this. So here you can find my fresh news, updates and basic information, how i work with my clients. Hope it will help you get it in simple and fast way.
a few projects around the home meant that I wasn’t able to visit the moss until the end of the Month which turned out to be quite beneficial as I was rewarded with some really nice sunny weather at the end of April. The nice weather had meant that the pools under some of the...
On the way to the airport the taxi driver said ‘Santander; is that not just an industrial port city?’. In some ways yes, he is correct and on arrival our first impressions weren’t much better. On attempting to find something to eat, we arrived at a café just outside the cathedral. The small menu card...
The signs of Spring are certainly arriving now. I am writing this just after mid March and this morning’s walk found the first batch of frog’s arriving in the main pond. Some of the smaller ponds hidden in the trees have yet to warm up enough to entice them out. Buds are starting to break...
Not a great deal has changed between January and February. It’s been a very mild winter this year and so far there has been very minimal snow. The swans that had appeared in January are still here and there has been a definite increase in birdsong as they start to prepare for the breeding season....
Tailend Moss is a lowland raised bog situated between Bathgate and Livingston. Every so often I feel I should have a year long project – most of which don’t get past day one. I have been visiting Tailend Moss now for many decades so I feel that I would like to record its development over...
Please allow me to let you in on a secret! The Namibian tourist authorities are missing a trick. It seems to me that if you are from the U.K. and yearn for a piece of Africa then you are most likely to go to South Africa. German and French tourists however, flock to Namibia. Considering...
Having never walked the area for around 12 - 15 years I found that the old orange coloured shale bings have completely disappeared under a plethora of new growth.
Just take a look on this brand new fashion and really fast sport car from world famous brand. It has wild power and gorgeous exterior lines design. And when you open the door and take a sit inside it meets you with high level of materials and technical innovations. But most incredible begins when you start its engine.
In this post I like to share with you some photos and emotions from my autumn trip around mountains. It was taking breath away travel. When mother nature paint all around in different autumn colors it all looks different way, like some another magic world. I do not get tired of being amazed at the variety of colors that nature uses.