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Important News
Read more: Important NewsHere i want to tell you something important. Something like frequently asked questions, because i’ve got a lot of your emails on my mailbox and sometimes it is heavy to answer to all of this. So here you…
Tailend Moss – April
Read more: Tailend Moss – Aprila few projects around the home meant that I wasn’t able to visit the moss until the end of the Month which turned out to be quite beneficial as I was rewarded with some really nice sunny weather…
Santander in three days
Read more: Santander in three daysOn the way to the airport the taxi driver said ‘Santander; is that not just an industrial port city?’. In some ways yes, he is correct and on arrival our first impressions weren’t much better. On attempting to…
Tailend Moss – March
Read more: Tailend Moss – MarchThe signs of Spring are certainly arriving now. I am writing this just after mid March and this morning’s walk found the first batch of frog’s arriving in the main pond. Some of the smaller ponds hidden in…